Thursday, February 24, 2011


SNIGLETS! So many possibilities... So much power! 

For this assignment, I've decided to come-up with things that apply to me or to my friends. These aren't necessarily things that bug me... they're just things that I notice on an almost-everyday basis. 
7. Clicktation (click + temptation): noun. the urge to "click" on a retractable pencil or pen for n amount of times just for the sake of hearing the sound or for the sake of anti-boredom

6. Shwatch (shake + watch): verb. to shake the wrist in order to check the time on a very loose wrist watch

5. Bread-over: noun. the left-over bread edges when someone only wants the "white" part or the middle part of the bread, the ends of the bread loaf which is usually left in the package

4. Optalnista (optalmologist + fashionsta) noun. people who wear grade-less glasses or sun glasses (even in the dark) to look cool, smart or attractive

3. Substibrush (Substitute + Brush)
verb. to put on eye shadow with the use of bare fingers instead of brushes; to substitute brushes with something else


2. Bollution (Baller + Pollution)
noun. the inevitable discoloration of ballers or wrist bands due to pollution 
e.g. a white baller turning black

1. Make-down (inspired by the word make-up)
noun. cosmetics applied on face that does not help in making you look beautiful or concealing what you want to conceal; the act of applying make-up that will result into the collection of insults not compliments

e.g. mascara that got smudged and wet = black eye look or highlighted eye bags

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